How to keep your skin healthy during the cold months

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Reading time: 6 min

Winter is knocking at the door, and with it, Halloween is also approaching… and it's not the only thing bringing surprises. Just when we thought the only things to scare us would be costumes and Netflix horror movie marathons, surprise! The ghost of red noses and colds appears, and our skin starts to turn into a real dry mummy mask. Does this sound familiar? And as if that weren’t enough, the scales from the Loch Ness monster costume make their grand debut on our cheeks and noses, leaving our skin so dry it seems straight out of a horror story.


Yes, we know it sounds like a scary movie, but this team (which might not be the Scooby-Doo mystery squad but comes close) is here to help you solve these cold-weather mysteries. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned in this skincare lovers team, it’s that there’s no cold, wind, or extreme heating that we can’t face with a good action plan. Ready to get rid of those dry skin ghosts?


5 quick tips to remember and face winter

Drink water
Don’t forget your sunscreen
Avoid very hot showers
Add a humidifier to your routine
Exfoliate gently, a chemical exfoliant is ideal
Always carry a hydrating lip balm in your bag


Don't let winter turn your skin into a horror movie


The second part of The Devil Wears Prada is coming, and if there’s one thing this movie always reminds me of, it’s that famous scene where Emily, Miranda’s assistant, was struggling with a terrible cold. That moment stuck in my memory forever! Because let’s face it, who hasn’t been there? Between congestion, red skin, and chapped noses, having a cold in winter can make us feel like we’re turning into a real walking disaster.



In those moments of pure drama, there’s nothing better than having an emergency guide on how to take care of your skin when you have a cold. Did you know that constantly blowing your nose can cause microtears in the skin and strip it of its natural protective barrier? This leaves the skin more exposed to dehydration and irritation. So, here’s recommendation number one: always use ultra-soft tissues to reduce the impact.


Also, take advantage of the moment to apply a good layer of moisturizer to the affected area every time you blow your nose. Ingredients like panthenol or niacinamide help repair the skin barrier and prevent that “I just emerged from the depths of hell” look. Our C Bomb Vitamin C Moisturizer is perfect for restoring the glow that the cold took away.


Don’t forget to use hydrating lip balms as well, because with so much sneezing, it’s common for your lips to get chapped, too.


Don't let zombie mode stop you from thinking ahead…


We know that with a cold, it's inevitable to enter zombie mode: dark circles down to your knees, dull skin, and that desire to just crawl back into bed. But guess what? Even zombies have to think about the future! Because if there’s one thing they care about, it’s preserving their skin intact for eternity. We definitely don’t want to be as wrinkled as an old-school movie zombie, right? And to avoid that, there’s a secret you can’t leave out of your routine, whether you're sick, cold, or in any other season: sunscreen.


Even though winter might not seem as threatening as the blazing summer sun, the truth is that UV rays are still out there, ready to damage our skin when we let our guard down. Big mistake! In the short term, cold air dries out your skin, and in the long term, UV radiation accelerates aging and causes dark spots. So, even on cloudy and windy days, sunscreen needs to go with you everywhere.


Apply a sunscreen like Let it Sun SPF 50 + Sunscreen, which provides broad-spectrum protection (UVA and UVB) and contains two key natural ingredients: aloe extract and camellia sinensis (green tea), both of which help restore lost hydration to your face.


#JessBeautytip: don’t forget to reapply it every 2-3 hours.


The zombie awakening… or, well, getting your glow back!


Once we’ve survived the cold and come out of zombie mode, there’s something we all desperately want: to get our natural glow back and achieve that glow-up in no time! Because after days of wearing pajamas and dealing with dry skin, the only thing we want is to feel like ourselves again—radiant, fresh, and full of energy.


And after so many days of mistreating your skin with tissues, temperature changes, and endless hours in front of the screen (because, let’s admit it, Netflix is our companion during those times), our skin needs a quick resurrection routine. A perfect combo of products to help renew the skin, eliminate dead cells, and restore the luminosity that the cold took away.


The goal? Achieve a glow-up in a week, so no one notices we were in bed like zombies. Because with the right routine, your skin can shine again in just a few days!


And how do we achieve this? Here are three products that will match exactly what your face and energy need.




For our little tired under-eye circles


After the rain comes the sun, and after the cold, it’s time to make your eyes radiant again. Say goodbye to those dark circles under your eyes with Coffee Break Eye Cream, a cream rich in caffeine and panthenol that acts like an energy shot for your skin. This ingredient stimulates microcirculation and reduces puffiness, leaving your eyes fresh and rested. A must-have to bring that spark back to your eyes!


For a restorative sleep after those long nights


We recommend the Sleeping Beauty Kit, a set designed to let your skin rest and repair while you sleep. It includes a night cream rich in antioxidants and an overnight mask that deeply hydrates, so you wake up with visibly softer and radiant skin. Everything you need for that “good night’s sleep” effect from night to morning!


To get back to your routine, in 3, 2, 1…


Don’t overcomplicate things, the 1-2-3 Kit is the ABC of skincare. With a gentle cleanser, a lightweight moisturizer, and sunscreen, it covers all the basics to get your skin ready for any challenge. Because sometimes, going back to simple is the best way to look spectacular in record time!


Cold weather can bring some annoying side effects, but the most important thing is to have this guide and an emergency kit on hand to feel cared for at all times.

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