Hot vs. Cold: What's the best temperature for washing your face?
If you're a skincare fanatic like us, you may already have your routine all figured out. However, you may still have some unanswered questions, such as whether there's a big difference between mineral and chemical sunscreens, or when is the best time to introduce retinol to your skincare regime.
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The Best Travel Skincare Routine: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever looked in the mirror at an airport and wondered what on earth happened to your skin during your flight? Traveling can be an incredible experience; however, amidst all the excitement, a long-haul flight takes a toll on your skin – with recycled air, low humidity, UV rays, and, more often than not, a lack of sleep. The absence of moisture in the air when you’re flying also leads to dehydration, a perfect recipe for dull, tight, itchy skin.

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