Easy strategies for keeping your skin healthy

In Beauty Blog: Skincare tips and insights 0 comment

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Real skin has texture, pores, fine lines, and sometimes even what we call “imperfections.” Not all skin is the same—some deal with rosacea, others with hyperpigmentation, and some are prone to breakouts. But you know what? That’s completely normal! At Jess Beauty, we’re not about striving for “perfect” skin. Our goal is healthy, glowing skin that you feel comfortable and confident with.


We know we’re living in a digital age where social media is filled with seemingly flawless skin. But a lot of those photos are edited, filtered, and far from the reality of what skin truly looks like. Comparing our skin to these digital versions can make us feel insecure, but it’s important to remember that these images don’t always reflect the truth.


Healthy skin > Perfect skin


Healthy skin is much more valuable than the “perfect” skin we see on screens. It’s all about keeping it hydrated, protected, balanced, and most importantly, accepting it just the way it is.


Skincare as a lifestyle: 5 habits that directly impact your skin


Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? That’s right! And just like any other organ, the habits we adopt have a direct impact on its health and appearance. Our skin acts as our first line of defense and reflects our emotions, habits, and overall lifestyle. That’s why skincare shouldn’t be just one step in your daily routine—it should be a way of life.


Here are five everyday habits that can make a huge difference in your skin’s health. Remember, skincare should be holistic and go beyond just products!




  1. Protect Yourself from the Sun
    The sun is one of the main culprits of premature aging and skin damage. Overexposure to UV rays can cause dark spots, loss of elasticity, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. But this doesn’t mean you need to hide from the sun completely. By taking the right precautions, you can enjoy sunny days without compromising your skin’s health.
  • Apply sunscreen: Never skip sunscreen—ever! Even if you’re indoors or it’s cloudy, UV rays don’t take a break. Plus, your phone and laptop screens also emit light that can harm your skin. Try our Let It Sun SPF 50, a lightweight sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Best of all, it doesn’t leave a white cast and absorbs super quickly!
  • Avoid peak sun hours: UV rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so try to limit direct exposure during these hours. If you have to be out, make sure you’re well-protected.
  • Rock those cool accessories: Don’t underestimate the power of a good hat or cap that covers your face and neck. You can also use scarves and sunglasses with UV protection to stay stylish while keeping your skin safe.
  1. Say no to smoking
    Smoking affects more than just your lungs—it’s also bad for your skin. It reduces blood flow, leaving your skin dry and less elastic. Collagen and elastin, which are essential for firm skin, get destroyed by smoking.
  2. Be gentle with your skin
    Sometimes, in our quest for flawless skin, we can be too harsh. Avoid using overly abrasive products and opt for gentle exfoliants. Remember to wash your face gently—no scrubbing or tugging. Choose products suitable for your skin type and use your fingers lightly.
  3. Breathe, and don’t forget to relax
    Stress has a direct impact on your skin. When we’re stressed, our body releases cortisol, a hormone that can cause breakouts, redness, and inflammation. Take a moment for yourself: breathe, meditate, or do something you enjoy.
  4. Hydrate: inside and out
    Have you had your two liters of water today? If not, this is your reminder! Staying hydrated internally is key to having soft and glowing skin. It’s not just about applying creams and serums—it’s also about nourishing your skin from within. Drinking enough water helps flush out toxins and maintain your skin’s elasticity and flexibility. So, always carry a water bottle with you and sip throughout the day.


Back to basics: The go-to skincare essentials


Just like having those wardrobe staples—a white tee, the perfect pair of jeans, and a black blazer that elevates any look—there are essential skincare steps that form the backbone of a healthy routine. The key is having a solid foundation with the right elements to ensure your skin’s health and well-being.


Here are five basic steps that should be part of your daily routine:


  1. Cleanse

Cleansing is the first and most essential step in any routine. It removes makeup, excess oil, dirt, and impurities that accumulate throughout the day. Choosing a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type will prevent irritation and leave your face ready to absorb the next products.
Try our Face Reset Cleanser for this step—apply it to your face, gently massage, and rinse with water. It’s also perfect for a pre-workout cleanse!

  1. Toner

Toner helps balance your skin’s pH after cleansing and preps it to absorb treatments that follow. Toners can offer multiple benefits like hydration, pore reduction, and calming properties. Choose one that fits your skin’s specific needs.


  1. Moisturize
    Regardless of your skin type (dry, combination, or oily), moisturizing is non-negotiable. A good moisturizer helps lock in moisture and creates a protective barrier that keeps your skin soft and supple. If you have oily skin, go for a lightweight gel formula; if you have dry skin, opt for richer, creamier textures that deeply nourish.


Here, you can choose the moisturizer that best suits your skin, add that necessary boost of Vitamin C to your routine, and include a hydrating gel perfect for post-workout refreshment.


  1. Sunscreen

Never, ever, ever skip sunscreen! We’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth repeating—it’s one of the most important steps. Sunscreen protects your skin from UV damage, prevents premature aging, and, most importantly, reduces the risk of skin cancer. Apply it every morning as the last step in your routine, and don’t forget to reapply every two hours if you’re outdoors.


Ready to put everything into practice?


Here’s a checklist of all the habits and basic steps we’ve mentioned. Check off the ones you already do and see which ones you can add to keep your skin healthy and radiant. Remember, skincare is a continuous process, and every little step counts!


Healthy skin checklist 💖✔️


☐ I apply sunscreen every day (Let It Sun SPF 50 is my go-to).
☐ I avoid sun exposure during peak hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
☐ I wear hats, scarves, or UV-protected sunglasses when I’m outdoors.
☐ I wash my face with a gentle cleanser every morning and night.
☐ I use toner to balance my skin’s pH after cleansing.
☐ I keep my skin hydrated with a moisturizer that suits my skin type.
☐ I exfoliate once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells.
☐ I drink at least two liters of water daily to keep my skin hydrated from within.
☐ I breathe and take time to relax to manage stress.
☐ I treat my skin gently (no harsh scrubbing or using aggressive products).
☐ I always remove my makeup before bed to prevent clogged pores.
☐ I embrace my skin as it is, understanding that every little “imperfection” is part of its unique beauty.


And now, for the most important item on our list:


☐ I celebrate every small change and improvement in my skin without striving for perfection.

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