An Introduction to Gluconolactone And its Benefits For all Skin Types

Reading time: 5 min

Confused by the variety of skin care acids available? Not to worry, not all acids are harmful! While the words "acids" and "skincare" may sound scary together, facial acids can truly transform your skin when used correctly. The key is choosing the right acid for your skin's needs. While we've all heard of salicylic, glycolic, lactic, and hyaluronic acids, there's another newer, but just as powerful skincare ingredient: GLUCONOLACTONE. This polyhydroxy acid (PHA) is suitable for all skin types, making it a must-have for anyone looking to improve their skincare regimen. 

Let's talk about gluconolactone, its benefits, who it's for, and possible side effects. Let's get started.

What is gluconolactone? 

Gluconolactone is a skin acid that really stands out from the crowd, but why?

Gluconolactone is a kind of polyhydroxy acid (PHA) that is produced from gluconic acid. It's gentle on skin due to its big molecule structure, it will not go deeper into the skin to irritate it. That is why it takes its time to penetrate the skin without irritation. This makes gluconolactone a good option especially for people who have sensitive skin.

Why haven't you heard about it? 

Compared to other peeling acids such as AHAs and BHAs, gluconolactone is a recent addition to skin care. However, it was initially used in wound healing products due to its ability to promote cell turnover and hydration and its natural source of gluconic acid. Gluconic acid, which is also derived from plants, fruits such as corn and honey, has been used for its medicinal and skin care properties. Today, Gluconolactone is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of skin care products, like chemical exfoliators

How Does Gluconolactone Work and What are its benefits? 

Polyhydroxy acids (PHAs), such as gluconolactone, are becoming a well known ingredient in the skin care industry today. Similar to other acids such as glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids, gluconolactone acts as a chemical exfoliant, this means it can help skin to renew itself by removing dead skin cells.

Compared to other acids such as AHA, gluconolactone has a large molecular structure that allows it to penetrate the skin more slowly and gently. This unique property minimizes skin irritation and makes this PHA an ideal ingredient for those with sensitive skin, who are seeking a gentle yet effective exfoliant.

Here are some of the key benefits of adding PHA to your routine: 

Hydrated skin

One interesting benefit of gluconolactone is its hydrating properties. This means that it aids in the process of drawing moisture into the skin and retaining it on the skin's surface. This contributes to a youthful appearance by maintaining moisture and elasticity, and gives your skin a youthful complexion by minimizing the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Combined with an appropriate skincare routine, it will improve elasticity and give your skin a youthful glow. 

Exfoliates the dead skin

As we mentioned before, gluconolactone exfoliates the skin by removing dead cells. This process provides fresher, smoother skin and can prevent your skin from dry patches, dullness and breakouts. 

Suitable for sensitive skin

Because of its gentle nature, gluconolactone is perfect for people with sensitive skin. It's less harsh and irritating than other chemical exfoliants and is an excellent choice for those who need to be very careful because they have irritating skin, eczema or rosacea.

Antioxidant properties

It possesses antioxidant properties that help protect the skin from free radical damage and environmental stress. This can also reduce signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Strengthens Skin Barrier

Gluconolactone helps strengthen the skin’s barrier function, protecting it from external aggressors and preventing moisture loss.

Dos and Don'ts When Using Gluconolactone Products

Using gluconolactone can be great for your skin, but following these guide  will help maximize benefits and minimize any skin irritation.

Feel free to do:

  • Always do a patch test before applying gluconolactone products on your face. Apply a small amount to a small area if you feel any reactions like redness, itching, or irritation. Then immediately stop using this.
  • Start with lower amounts and increase gradually based on your skin's response. 
  • Apply sunscreen daily to protect from sun rays. Try our Jess Beauty sunscreen collection like Sundrop sunscreen oil and Let it Sun both are designed for sensitive skin types. 
  • Pair gluconolactone with a good moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and relieve any dryness caused by exfoliation. Our post workout gel and C-bomb moisturizer will make a  perfect match with gluconolactone.


  • Avoid using multiple exfoliating products simultaneously, especially those with active ingredients like AHAs, BHAs, or retinoids. Over-exfoliation can lead to irritation.
  • Never forget to apply sunscreen after using PHA. 
  • Avoid using gluconolactone on broken, irritated, or sunburned skin. Wait for your skin to heal before resuming use.

By incorporating gluconolactone with Jess Beauty's products, you can create a well-rounded skincare routine that enhances hydration, improves skin texture, and leaves a radiant appearance. 

We hope this gives you a better idea of how to incorporate gluconolactone into your skincare routine and the benefits you can expect from it! Stay tuned because some fabulous things are coming… 

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