Neroli Oil

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What is Neroli Oil?

This oil is like an elixir of calm for the skin and senses. It serves to moisturize, balance and relax. You can apply it directly to the skin, add a few drops to moisturizer or even enjoy its aroma in a diffuser. Neroli oil is found in products such as facial serums, moisturizers, and even aromatherapy products.

It has antibacterial, antioxidant and regenerative properties. It helps balance sebum production, leaving the skin in its optimal state: not too dry and not too oily.



Deep Moisturizing: Helps keep skin hydrated, soft and supple, making it a perfect choice to combat dryness.

Balances Sebum Production: Balances sebum production, leaving your skin neither too dry nor too oily, perfect for all skin types.

Cellular Regeneration: Neroli oil has regenerative properties that stimulate cell renewal, leaving you with a radiant and rejuvenated complexion.

Improves elasticity: If you are looking for firm and elastic skin, this oil is your ally. It helps improve skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Relaxing Aroma: The floral and relaxing aroma of neroli has aromatherapeutic properties, helping to reduce stress and improve mood.

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